August 4, 2023 by
Department of History Staff
We’re excited to announce the Omohundro Institute (OI) has awarded Professor Melanie Newton the Lester J. Cappon award for best-article for “Counterpoints of Conquest: The Royal Proclamation of 1763, the Lesser Antilles, and the Ethnocartography of Genocide” (April 2022).
The annual best-article award is named in memory of Lester J. Cappon. Lester Cappon edited the Quarterly from 1955 to 1956, and again in 1963. He was the Institute’s first editor of the book program (1945–1954) and served as Institute director from 1954 until 1969. The award carries a cash prize of $500 and is funded by the Institute. (From 1965 until 2005, the award was supported by the National Society, Daughters of Colonial Wars.)
Congratulations Professor Newton!