History in the Time of... Now

When and Where

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
via Zoom


Mónica Espaillat Lizardo
Jens Hanssen
Tong Lam
Koby Song-Nichols


In this latest installment of this roundtable series, our panelists will discuss the challenges and possibilities of doing histories of and in the present. Topics may include: critical approaches to sources related to "fake news", propaganda, and partisan sources; commemoration and reevaluations of public history and memory; and exceptionalized, marginalized, and politicized histories in contemporary contexts. This is a space for graduate students and faculty alike to share experiences around this topic in terms successes, challenges, and what it all means to our current and future work as professional historians.

Contact Information


Department of History Intellectual Community Committee (ICC)