"The Amazing Life of Margot Heuman" Screening and Q&A
When and Where
From the moment the Holocaust and World War II ended almost 80 years ago, survivors have been making difficult choices about whether or not to pass on the stories of what they went through. For many survivors, such as Margot Heuman, certain details might have felt easier to share than others. Heuman recounted the story of her internment over the years, but she always kept private the details of her relationship with a fellow prisoner at Theresienstadt, another young woman named Emma. It was only later in life, upon being interviewed by Dr. Anna Hájková, an openly lesbian Holocaust historian, that Heuman opened up about this aspect of herself and her experiences.
Working with co-author and director Erika Hughes, Hájková transformed Heuman's testimony into a “documentary” play, chronicling her internment and her relationship with Emma, and the ways in which the women inspired each other to continue living and resisting. This event will feature a screening of the play, The Amazing Life of Margot Heuman, followed by a question and answer period with Dr. Hájková.