- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Fields of Study
- Britain and Ireland
- Canada
Areas of Interest
The Irish in North America; revolutionary and conservative movements; state security and civil liberty; religion and nationalism; Ireland, race and empires.
Born in Islandmagee, County Antrim, Ireland, in a farmer's cottage without electricity or running water (and thus establishing himself as a true Celt), David Wilson moved with his family to England, where he resisted education in a variety of schools before being fired as a bus conductor, living in a commune in Cardiff, and hitchhiking in western Europe. Going to the University of York, dropping out, and going again, he eventually received his BA and emigrated to Canada, completing his MA and PhD at Queen's University. After sessional appointments at St. Lawrence University, Queen's University and St. Thomas University, he joined the Institute of Irish Studies at Queen's University Belfast. Unable to land a permanent job, and unwilling to spend the rest of his life lurching from one sessional appointment to another, he returned to Canada, where he prepared and presented radio documentaries with CBC's Ideas series. While doing that, he applied for a position in the University of Toronto's History Department, and taught there for three years before moving to the Celtic Studies Program at St. Michael's College. In 2013, much to his surprise, he was invited to become the General Editor of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, and has been working there ever since.
- 2023 Person of the Year Award for "exceptional contributions to Ireland-Canada Relations" Thomas D'Arcy McGee Summer School
- 2023 C.P. Stacey Award for Canadian Military History
- 2023 Floyd Chalmers Award for Ontario History
- 2022 Peter M. Toner Research Publication Award
- 2012 Canadian Historical Association Political History Prize
- 2010 Canada Prize (formerly Raymond Klibansky Prize) Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- 2008 Co-winner of the James S. Donnelly, Sr, Award for Books in History and the Social Sciences American Conference for Irish Studies
- 2000 Outstanding Teaching Award University of Toronto
- Canadian Spy Story: Irish Revolutionaries and the Secret Police (McGill-Queen's University Press : 2022)
- Irish and Scottish Encounters with Indigenous Peoples (MQUP : 2013)
- Thomas D'Arcy McGee: Volume 2 (MQUP : 2011)
- Irish Nationalism in Canada (MQUP : 2009)
- Thomas D’Arcy McGee Volume 1 Passion, Reason, and Politics, 1825-1857 (MQUP : 2008)
- The Orange Order in Canada (Four Courts Press Ltd : 2007)
- Ulster Presbyterians in the Atlantic World: Religion, Politics and Identity (Four Courts Press Ltd : 2006)
- The History of the Future (McArthur & Co. : 2000)
- United Irishmen, United States: Immigrant Radicals in the Early Republic (Cornell University Press : 1998)
- Ireland, A Bicycle and A Tin Whistle (MQUP : 1995)
- Peter Porcupine in America (Cornell University Press : 1994)
- Paine and Cobbett: The Transatlantic Connection (MQUP : 1988)